On Saturday 08 September 2018, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Question for you though in regard to these "non-rivers"?
> Are these channels permanent or do they move as tidal runoff changes?
Between mangroves these are fairly static but elsewhere they can change 
quite rapidly.

> & they appear to be named? At least 570038402 is marked as "Rute",
> running through "Ruteplate". My translate has failed me as all it
> comes up with for Rute is rod, stick, cane & similar which doesn't
> make any sense for a waterway? Is there another meaning for Rute, or
> is it possibly a local name?

Naming of tidal channels is quite common but like most maritime naming 
you will often have a hard time to define a geometric verifiability.  
Therefore most geometries drawn here are subjective label placement 
sketches.  In mangrove areas this is a bit different of course.

But i don't want to discourage anyone from a actually defining new tags 
here - just make sure you document them in a verifiable form.

Christoph Hormann

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