On 03/09/18 10:47, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

On 3. Sep 2018, at 02:37, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

You can simply start to use the tag AND document its use.

yes, but documenting the use means starting a proposal,

No it does not, "any tags you like' - documenting them simply helps people 
understand their use.

Show me the proposals for shop, office, crop, produce ..
New tags start out with little use.. but they should be documented ..
and if they don't go through the proposal process than they  don't need a 
proposal page ..
they just get put on the OSM wiki .. sink or swim. They get used over time .. 
or they fadeout.

writing down the meaning of the tag in a proposal form or maybe on your user 
page and subpages. It is not mandatory to bring the proposal further, you do 
not have to ever start voting or even send a RFC. But you should not mix your 
used-2-times-tag into the documentation of widely established and globally used 
tags with thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions of uses. It confuses 

cheers ,
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