One of the biggest problems with "creating a proposal" is that the Wiki
markup language is so painfully tedious I've taken pains to avoid it.
People always say, "write it up in the Wiki" as though it's similar to
writing a letter in a word processor. It is not. It's a process I've
criticized in the past as being very difficult— it's one reason why many
proposals aren't written up but simply acted upon.

My 2 cents


On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 7:38 AM Warin <> wrote:

> On 03/09/18 10:05, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
> On 3. Sep 2018, at 01:42, Warin <> wrote:
> Just one question though: for the wiki page of this do I put "draft" or
> "proposed" or "de facto" or "in use" for the status?
> I would not put a status on it.
> It is not a draft, proposed nor approved.
> It has no use at the moment, and it is certainly not de facto.
> if you want to introduce an (also almost) unused tag to the wiki you
> should create a proposal, it is the established way. You can set the status
> to draft while you work on it, then formally ask for comments here, it
> should be all explained there:
> That is one way.
> It is not compulsory to do that.
> You can simply start to use the tag AND document its use.
> The problem with tags that have some use but no documentation is that no
> one really knows what was intended. e.g. landuse=clearing.
> I have tried to contact the people that used this tag -- no response.
> Things like the key shop have been introduced without going through a
> proposal process.
> If you don't want to go through the proposal process .. then don't.
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> Tagging mailing list

Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at
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