On Sat, 25 Aug 2018 at 10:18, Dave Swarthout <daveswarth...@gmail.com>

> I've been trying to decide tagging for slow-vehicle turnouts consisting of
> a lane added to the right side (in the U.S.) of the road so that slow
> moving vehicles can pull aside to allow following vehicles to pass. The
> best I can come up with is the tag highway=passing_place but strangely it
> applies only to nodes. I'm looking for examples from the real world similar
> to the one in this JOSM screenshot. I've selected both the passing lanes to
> color them red so you can see them.
> I had been using a variable number of lanes to describe the situation but
> these two passing_places are offset making using the lanes tags cumbersome
> to apply, 4 separate pieces, lanes going in different directions, oneway
> sections, etc. According to the Wiki, the passing_place tag is to be used
> only on nodes. (
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dpassing_place) Why this
> should be so, I do not understand.
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4g4t7mk6e4161l/passing_place.jpg?dl=0
> What alternatives do I have?

Can't see too many Dave?

I agree the passing_place should be able to be marked as a way. In
Australia, they're overtaking lanes & can easily be a kilometre long, so
only having a node doesn't work very well.

Probably a new tag under the highway structure heading (ie bridge, tunnel
etc) would be the best way?


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