i would imagine it would be better having some data over none though? the main thing that got me thinking about this really, was that if we got the ability to tag this out there, could we then for example convince link atm to use osm for their data? i figured it was best only contacting them after we got a consensus on tagging this. the cashback thing would make sense though right? that's relatively constant. For the ATMs do you think it would be better if we got a vote on it?

On 08/24/18 17:58, Paul Allen wrote:
On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 3:38 PM, seirra <gene...@sarifria.x10.bz <mailto:gene...@sarifria.x10.bz>> wrote:

    i can confirm this to be the case. where i work the cashback
    procedure is indeed just a signature of the receipt. As far as i
    know ATMs that issue £5 notes tend to for a long time, i don't
    recall any here suddenly stopping.

ATMs have a finite capacity.  Which means that ATMs which serve two or more denominations may run out of one denomination before the others.  So £5 notes can stop suddenly because they run out.  However, a lot of the ATMs in this part of the world switched from £5/£10 to £10/£20 because inflation meant that average amount withdrawn had increased to the point they needed to be refilled too frequently.  The £5/£10/£20 machines are rare and tend to be at banks, where
they can be refilled more quickly.

The problem with mapping denominations is not that a machine may run out of one denomination, that's a temporary thing.  The problem is that a £5/£10 machine may be upgraded or replaced to dispense £10/£20.  Or a £10/£20 may be changed to £20/£50.  How often that happens depends upon the rate of inflation in that part of the world. It's definitely useful to know, but the information may go stale too quickly and be verified/remapped too infrequently.  I'm
in two minds about the utility of mapping this.

    however people still often request cashback due to the fact it
    saves the extra trip (and the closest ATM is difficult to
    troubleshoot if it goes down

There is one shop where I specifically request cashback even though it has an ATM mounted in the wall outside.  My bank has a loyalty scheme whereby the online banking system presents me with discounts at certain shops (as a way of encouraging people to use the online banking).  Every time this shop appears I use it.  And then get 5% off my payment for electricity top-up, phone top-up, mains water charges, gas bill and cashback.  I wouldn't use that shop for any other thing as it's a convenience store and more expensive than the local supermarket.  But whenever I can get £50 cashback for £47.50 and cheaper gas, electricity and mains water, I leap at the chance.  Names intentionally withheld because if everyone catches on that store brand will withdraw from the deal. :)


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