1) data is easier to understand for other mappers2) less fragile data, less 
likely to break in future edits3) maps that I use tend to show access on roads 
and not on barriers (it is notagainst "don't tag for renderer" advice as I am 
not adding incorrect data)4) I have never considered omitting access tag5) it 
is a minimal effort to add it

30. Lipiec 2018 16:06 od tohak...@gmail.com <mailto:tohak...@gmail.com>:

> Is there a reason to add access tags to the way, when you have a barrier node 
> that should already hold these tags (lift gate, bollard)?> Seems over 
> complicated. 
> Anton
> 30 июля 2018 г., в 9:07, Mateusz Konieczny <> matkoni...@tutanota.com 
> <mailto:matkoni...@tutanota.com>> > написал(а):
>>           27. Lipiec 2018 18:07 od >> joost.schou...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:joost.schou...@gmail.com>>> :
>>> You would only add "private" if there is signage, and only something else 
>>> if there is a right of way or something.
>> I am adding access=private not only for cases with explicit signage but also 
>> when access
>> is blocked (typically by a gate) or road is clearly private and used solely 
>> to access given house.
>> At least in Poland explicit signage is extremely rare.
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