I take it you have not used them Martin?
They are a form of decontamination.
However 'footwear decontamination' also takes place in other places ..
for example some clean rooms, chemical laboratories.
For that reason I would add a sub tag say footwear=hiking to state that
it is intended for hikers shoes/boots.
There could also be sub tags for the decontamination, say pathogens,
seeds, dirt etc. Depending on how detailed you want to be.
I'd certainly not use a tag that could in any way be used for shoe
polishing ... not on. If you want to tag that use some other tag.
On 30/06/18 17:43, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
sent from a phone
On 30. Jun 2018, at 03:04, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com
<mailto:graemefi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Now more inclined to man_made=footwear_disinfection ... really
separates it from a simple polish.
How about
Makes it pretty obvious that you're just talking about getting them
decontamination makes it less clear for me, sounds like some military
or disaster related device to remove nuclear contamination or chemical
warfare agents.
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