
The bushwalking/tramping people have increasing numbers of boot cleaning stations between rejoins to stop the spread of plants/fungi/pathogens.

They are not for beauty of the boots but for a practical purpose.

Many have big brushes (mounted facing up) to clean soil out of your shoes and a disinfectant applier for the base of your shoe, example photo: https://www.npsr.qld.gov.au/parks/lamington/images/pathogen-control-station.jpg

These are designed to educe soil and other contaminates being carried on shoes 
out of contaminated areas.

How should these be tagged?

man_made=boot_cleansing ??

I used 'cleansing' rather than 'cleaning' to try and get away from the 
beatification thing.

May be at the same time a tag for boot/shoe beatification should be created so 
they are distinguishable in OSM and mappers then have the choice rather than 
lumping them all in together.

man_made=shoe_cleaning ??

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