On 26/06/18 23:43, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
2018-06-26 15:09 GMT+02:00 Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@tutanota.com <mailto:matkoni...@tutanota.com>>:

    The same problem as with bakery. I would expect amenity=fast_food
    to sell something that
    at least can pretend to be a meal.

    I like cuisine tag, but I will probably use cuisine=regional (and
    maybe regional=obwarzanek).

I think this is something country / region specific and should get a dedicated subtag / property to be clearly identifiable. Cuisine on a bakery seems a bit strange, (not completely strange, some bakeries also sell meals, i.e. it could be misleading to add cuisine=regional).

I have around me a French bakery and a Bavarian bakery .. they do both sell 'bread' but they are different .. I think cuisine fits perfectly.

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