This is similar to bretzels or bagels in other countries, right? 

Le 26 juin 2018 11:48:26 GMT+02:00, Mateusz Konieczny <> 
a écrit :
>In Kraków there are some places selling solely specific baked product
>Tagging it as shop=bakery would be misleading, it is not selling normal
>baked products.Obwarzanek is rather a snack, but it is not sweet so
>shop=pastry is also wrong.
>Obvious solution would be shop=obwarzanek but I prefer something more
>generic, it is likelythat similar type of shop exists elsewhere.
>Maybe shop=bakery_snack? shop=snack?
>For images of shops that I want to tag see
>Wikipedia page for this specific product:
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