8. Jun 2018 08:29 by frede...@remote.org <mailto:frede...@remote.org>:

> Some people say that while this may be true, the time has now come to
> get rid of the old ways that got us where we are, and change tack to
> something more conservative. This is a valid argument but I am not
> convinced; a lot of innovation is still going on with tags, and strict
> enforcement would run the risk of killing that.

I would start from easy wins, for example why we have both FIXME and fixme 
tags?Why we still have wikipedia:pl, wikipedia:en duplicating wikipedia keys?
Note: in both cases there is an ongoing work to purge this tags (without 
harming data)in Poland, I plan to propose later a worldwide mechanical edit.

Even easy stuff like that is complicated to do properly.

> there *were* competing projects which got stuck trying
> to define the one true set of keys and values that would work for
> everything

Are you aware about some post-mortem analysis of this competition?

It is very interesting for me to read why some communities thrive and why

some die.

For wikipedia "Almost Wikipedia: What Eight Early Online Collaborative 

Projects Reveal about the Mechanisms of Collective Action" was quite 
interesting (

it suggested that many competing projects (a) focused too much on technical 
issues and

got bogged down by work on a specialized software (b) tried too many new things 
at once,

while "encyclopedia" was recognizable).

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