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> On 4. May 2018, at 22:34, Johnparis <> wrote:
> Please DO follow Thorsten's suggestion and follow PTv2, mapping the stops as 
> nodes alongside the street/way (not on it) in the proper direction. Tag each 
> one:
> walking_bus=yes
> public_transport=platform

is walking really a kind of “public transport”? Are we going to tag places as 
public transport platforms where people are waiting for someone else to 
accompany them for walking somewhere?

To me “walking bus” seems just a new buzzword for a service that has been in 
existence for a long time (school crossing guards) and that was never 
considered public transport until someone proclaimed it could be seen as kind 
of “bus” but without a vehicle ;-)

I don’t think it shouldn’t be tagged, but I don’t see it as public transport 
either, particularly I don’t believe we should use the term platform in context 
of this kind of service 

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