
It's a good deal to fix spelling variant.
but why keeping the brand in the key name if it's not a name ?
maybe it's only due the fact that some render use the name and doesn't 
fall back to use the brand is the name is unset.
maybe an issue to those render is needed to fix this mistake.


Le 03. 05. 18 à 19:08, Leon Karcher a écrit :
> Hi Marc,
> Yes, I'm aware of the fact that names may differ for some brands, but 
> espacially American companies use the brand's name for all their 
> locations. That's also a reason why I want to review the changed objects 
> manually, because if the name may differ, like [brand name] [city name], 
> I would not change it. The main reason to change the names is because 
> there are a lot of different variants of a name in our database, like 
> "Applebee's", "applebee's", "Applebees" or "Applebee`s". So I'll mainly 
> fix the spelling and apostrophe mistakes ( ' ` ).
> 2018-05-03 18:58 GMT+02:00 marc marc <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com 
> <mailto:marc_marc_...@hotmail.com>>:
>     Hello,
>     Le 03. 05. 18 à 18:34, Leon Karcher a écrit :
>     > I thought about unifying large store/restaurant chains
>     if X is a brand, it's not a name for every poi of this brand.
>     for exemple if several poi have name=Applebees,
>     then Applebees is maybe an brand or an operator
>     but it is no more the name of each poi
>     Regards,
>     Marc
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