Hi Marc,

Yes, I'm aware of the fact that names may differ for some brands, but
espacially American companies use the brand's name for all their locations.
That's also a reason why I want to review the changed objects manually,
because if the name may differ, like [brand name] [city name], I would not
change it. The main reason to change the names is because there are a lot
of different variants of a name in our database, like "Applebee's",
"applebee's", "Applebees" or "Applebee`s". So I'll mainly fix the spelling
and apostrophe mistakes ( ' ` ).

2018-05-03 18:58 GMT+02:00 marc marc <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com>:

> Hello,
> Le 03. 05. 18 à 18:34, Leon Karcher a écrit :
> > I thought about unifying large store/restaurant chains
> if X is a brand, it's not a name for every poi of this brand.
> for exemple if several poi have name=Applebees,
> then Applebees is maybe an brand or an operator
> but it is no more the name of each poi
> Regards,
> Marc
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