There is also an automated key mentioned on the wiki.
This applies mostly to self_service I would guess, and I assumed automated=yes indicates that you can pay at the pump. I didn’t mention the following because taginfo showed that it’s not used and there pretty surely is no software support for them yet, but I agree with marc that it would make sense to extend the allowed values from yes/no. I think two additional values would make sense: only (=yes, and only this) and optional (=yes, but alternatives exist). They are basically both more specific versions of “yes”. If we are not going to define completely new keys, I would suggest keeping both self_service and full_service, but with the extended values you can get away with only defining one of the two. e.g. self_service=optional (implies full_service=optional) full_service=only (implies self_service=no) if we add the automated key and the extend value, we get: automated=no (have to interact with a human to pay) automated=yes (you can pay directly at the pump, it’s unknown if it’s alternatively possible to interact with a human to pay) automated=only (you have to pay at the pump, no alternative exists. e.g. this would apply to the Costco petrol station near me) automated=optional (you can pay at the pump, but it’s also possible to interact with a human to pay) I do realize that the things you can express with this combination of self_service, full_service, and automated keys is somewhat different from the 6 variants presented by Paul below, but I think it’s the best that can be done when using the existing keys and a (hopefully somewhat logical) extension of the values. Also, all 3 keys should allow the use of :conditional If the possibilities expressed by these 3 keys is considered insufficient, then we’ll probably have to define some completely new key. Cheers, Thorsten From: Paul Johnson <> Sent: Sunday, 1 April 2018 04:06 To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <> Subject: Re: [Tagging] Attendant on amenity=fuel On Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 7:01 AM, Andy Mabbett < <> > wrote: On 29 March 2018 at 11:58, Javier Sánchez Portero < <> > wrote: > I'm looking for a key to denote if you have > to refuel by your self or not. I meant if the station operates on self > service mode. There are (at least) three modes: * Attendant service * Self service, pay at kiosk * Self service, pay at pump I'd go with more. * Self service, pay at kiosk * Self service, pay at pump * Minimum service, pay at pump (default in Oregon and New Jersey) * Minimum service, pay in store (basically just Arco in Oregon) * Full service, pay at pump (uncommon) * Full service, pay at kiosk (is this even a thing?)
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