In the U.S. almost all service stations are unattended these days. The
pumps are automated and accept only credit cards. Persons needing to pay
cash have to go to a separate office or shop to pay. Oregon used to be the
only state I visit regularly in which customers were not allowed to fuel
their vehicles. Attendants did everything; filled the tank, cleaned the
windshield, checked the oil. IIRC, that law just recently changed.


On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 7:44 AM, Stephan Knauss <>

> It is the norm that you have an attendant coming and filling up the tank
> for you.
> Some places will always clean the windscreen while waiting for the refill,
> but don't this is something to tag special as you can always ask the
> attendant to clean them.
> In some countries it differs, so I suggest to tag things not following the
> norm of the country.
> Stephan
> On March 29, 2018 5:58:51 PM GMT+07:00, "Javier Sánchez Portero" <
>> wrote:
>> Sorry, english is not my first languange and I'm not sure of have been
>> used the correct word in the subject. I'm looking for a key to denote if
>> you have to refuel by your self or not. I meant if the station operates on
>> self service mode.
>> Didn't found nothing in the wiki or taginfo.
>> I'm confused also about the use of Key:tenant. The description in the
>> wiki is to short for a non native English speaker. Could any one give me
>> further details?
>> Thank you, Javier.
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