With areas already mapped there is no reason to do that.

On 19 Jan 2018 8:54 a.m., "Mateusz Konieczny" <matkoni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, just move tags from nodes to areas, delete invalid building tags and
> no longer necessary nodes.
> On 18 Jan 2018 9:36 p.m., "Tobias Knerr" <o...@tobias-knerr.de> wrote:
>> On 17.01.2018 23:16, OSMDoudou wrote:
>> > There is a shopping mall here [1] for which a mapper detailed the inside
>> > shops with a node for the "identity" and an area for the "physical
>> > perimeter" of the shop inside the mall. [...]
>> > Can you suggest tagging improvements ?
>> My suggestion (based on Simple Indoor Tagging¹) is to tag the areas with
>> their shop tag, level, and and other attributes such as name. So you get
>> a closed way with some basic tags, for example:
>> name = Jack & Jones
>> shop = clothes
>> level = 0
>> There's no reason to keep the nodes around once you have mapped the
>> shops as areas, so move all other tags such as opening hours to the area
>> instead.
>> At this point, you have a perfectly valid representation of the mall, so
>> you can stop here if you want. But if you're interested in adding more
>> details, there's a lot of possibilities: Add indoor=room or indoor=area
>> tags to the shop areas (depending on whether they're fully enclosed with
>> walls or not), and add walls (indoor=wall), corridors (indoor=corridor),
>> doors, elevators, staircases and so on.
>> Yours,
>> Tobias
>> ¹ https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_Indoor_Tagging
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