

There is a shopping mall here [1] for which a mapper detailed the inside
shops with a node for the "identity" and an area for the "physical
perimeter" of the shop inside the mall.


Both the mall and the shop areas are tagged as, so Osmose is raising plenty
of errors because of building intersections, for example this shop [2] [3].


I gave a read at the Wiki on indoor tagging, but I couldn't find something
conclusive (indoor=room seems suitable for an office in a building but
doesn't represent the nature of a shop area in a mall).


I searched for other malls with overpass turbo, but I couldn't find another
one where indoor shops are tagged as areas.


Can you suggest tagging improvements ?




[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/511758552

[2] http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/error/15215480626

[3] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/96140107#map=19/50.45596/3.93260

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