> Warin wrote:
>> In which case I like marc tagging solution;
>> building=school
>> building:use=residential
>> That tags 'what is on the ground'.

Kevin Kenny wrote:
> To me, it seems to presuppose an unrealistic amount of cleverness
> on the part of the renderer, particularly since 'building:use' is not
> a common key at all.

Kevin I don't get how that could "presuppose an unrealistic amount of
cleverness on the part of the renderer".

Building was built as a school, still looks as a school.
For its form, it can be tagged building=school and no renderer could
complain about something clever (standard rendering in
openstreetmap-carto makes no difference between building=yes and

Place was a school, but isn't anymore.
For its function, it could be tagged disused:amenity=school

Regarding end dates, a best guess is enough if you are not able to
find out precisely. ~C19 or ~C20 or whatever seems best, but not
required anyway.

-- althio

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