2017-08-18 9:01 GMT+01:00 Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org>:

> On 18.08.2017 02:30, Clifford Snow wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 4:12 PM, Javier Sánchez Portero <
>> javiers...@gmail.com <mailto:javiers...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     * In the wiki [1] says that the outline should be tagged with
>> building:levels and height, but
>>     this, if the parts cover the whole outline, is a duplication since
>> these tags will always be in
>>     some of the parts. Could I delete the part(s) whose labels match
>> those of the outline?
>> If you use a multipolygon, then the multipolygon would contain the levels
>> and height.
> The building outline represents the "footprint" of the building on the
> ground, and provides all non-3D properties such as building type (e.g.
> building=apartments), address, overall height, etc.
> Thus it provides backward compatibility for a data consumer who does not
> want to evaluate building:part.
> If e.g. the lower floors of the apartment building is wider than the upper
> floors, you can tag the outline with both, building=apartments and
> building:part=yes and the appropriate 3D-properties, and the narrower upper
> floors with building:part=yes and 3D-properties, but without building=*.
> tom

Thank you. This clarifies me a lot because I had not thought to use both
building=* and building:part=* in the footprint.

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