On 16-Apr-17 07:54 PM, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
On 16.04.2017 07:11, Tom Hardy wrote:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/44.95741/-93.36230 should show
a building=school (with amenity=school and other tags including an
incorrect addr:housenumber and addr:city). The standard layer
doesn't show it but every other layer does, and it appears normal in
the ID editor.
Seems you refer to this object,
When I first looked at the map, it was rendered correctly as building
and name; however refreshing the page made it disappear.
So it looks like a glitch in Carto or in the rendering database. Do
not immediately recommend tagging changes for such reason.
I have opened in ticket in Carto:
Clicking the the history button shows the area affected by a flurry
of large scale edits including by woodpeck_repair, though I can't
associate edits with specific objects on the main page.
The object history has 4 versions, none if the edits is by by
On 16.04.2017 07:40, Warin wrote:
> I think tagging it both as a amenity=school and building=school has
confused things.
no that should be fine. If an amenity fills a building, the amenity
tag can be on the building outline.
> I would remove the amenity=school and place that on a node with the
name and address stuff.
That would be a mapping regression, since the school fills the building.
In the specific case it looks like the campus should be mapped.
> The wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dschool
says to have
> a single node
> OR
> a way that encompasses the entire site - including buildings,
parking, playgrounds...
This is not what the wiki says. It says "Mark the boundary of the
school using an Area Area or place a Node Node in the middle of the
site" thus it does not exclude having the amenity on the building.
Direct and fuller quote from the wiki page I linked to above ..
"/How to map/
/Mark the boundary of the school using an //Area
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Area>//or place a //Node
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Elements#Node>//in the middle of the
site if you are in a hurry (or don't have access to information about
the boundary and it is not obvious from aerial imagery). /
/This area should envelop the full grounds of the school including all
the buildings, sports facilities and grounds. //For schools with
multiple sites the multipolygon
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Multipolygon> relation can be used."
/The playground to the west of the building looks to be part of the
school going by its name.
And I would think the parking area to the east of the building is also
part of the school.
However on the information available to me ... I could not reliably map
the extent of the school .. so I would map it as a node only.
I think this is not regression but removes an assumption (from the
present tagging) that the school is limited to the building alone.
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