Way: Peter Hobart Elementary School (341791043) I think tagging it both as a;
amenity=school and building=school has confused things. I would remove the amenity=school and place that on a node with the name and address stuff. Leave the building as a 'Plain Jane' building=school. The wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dschool says to have a single node OR a way that encompasses the entire site - including buildings, parking, playgrounds... On 16-Apr-17 03:11 PM, Tom Hardy wrote:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/44.95741/-93.36230 should show a building=school (with amenity=school and other tags including an incorrect addr:housenumber and addr:city). The standard layer doesn't show it but every other layer does, and it appears normal in the ID editor. Clicking the the history button shows the area affected by a flurry of large scale edits including by woodpeck_repair, though I can't associate edits with specific objects on the main page. History as revealed by JOSM shows it hasn't been touched in over a year. With that, I've about exhausted my map-fu, but I am very curious to know what is going on here. Thank you.
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