On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 3:02 AM, John Willis <jo...@mac.com> wrote:

> I'm surprised people can't see the separation (or understand it might be
> different in other countries), similar to how police and fire services are
> different from a armored truck service or a home security company.

Yes, it seems sometimes hard to convince people that the situation is one
country (or continent) can be totally different from the rest of the world.
And since the voting process is dominated by certain groups, anything that
is not common to the UK-US-Germany is harder  to get accepted, at least
that is my impression. I am thinking e.g. about the named junctions, as
well as this proposal. That's a pity.

Maybe as a community we should try harder to understand the cultural
differences before casting a vote ? Sometimes we try to generalize to hard
in our tagging definitions I think. Let the generalization to the data
consumer and allow the mappers to map specific stuff.


p.s. I probably have made that same mistake myself and might easily make it
again. It's too easy to project your local situation to similar, yet
different concepts existing elsewhere.
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