> On Apr 15, 2017, at 7:48 AM, muzirian <muzir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But still many vote against just because they think post office tag is enough 
> for this

I'm surprised people can't see the separation (or understand it might be 
different in other countries), similar to how police and fire services are 
different from a armored truck service or a home security company. There are 
some overlap - but if you confused a post office and a Local kuroneko delivery 
branch with similar signage/iconography/etc here in Japan, people would en 
masse abandon your map - they are used so much more often than a US post office 
and treated so differently. 

They have a written character (a variant of テ) in their language that is only 
used for post offices:  〒 using it for anything else is actively trying to 
break the map. You can find it on the "post  office" emoji(at least in iOS). 🏣 
there is a reason it is in Unicode as "postal mark" 

Recently they added a "European post office" with a little horn, I imagine it 
is a different business than DHL.  

I know it would be pretty easy use operator or another tag value to add 
different icon to the map, but beyond moving proper tagging /rendering from the 
data users to the OSM dataset, I'm using this to show that people differentiate 
the post office from other services and that should be reflected in the tagging 
from the start. Maybe the USPS and FedEx offer similar services in the US 
(besides some government forms), but there big differences between them in 
other countries, and that should be able to be represented. 

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