That's interesting. I wonder if the tagging of tourism=attraction is totally appropriate but surely a waterway=source tag is. Presumably the mapper was trying to indicate that the source of that stream is where that node is.
I'm going to start using the tag myself and let data consumers figure it out if they wish. After a while I'll consider adding it to the Wiki. There are a few instances of the tag in use already. On Feb 26, 2017 2:23 PM, "Martin Koppenhoefer" <> wrote: > here's a major German river which is fed by 2 rivers: http://www. > > > > The point where it starts doesn't (yet) have any meaningful tags, just a > property disguised as a feature: > 135500355 > > cheers, > Martin > > > sent from a phone > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > > >
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