Here is a creek that has 2 sources ... and 4 ways all connected but
flows are different.
Way: Reef Creek (476455207) flows south - source in the north - Drains
into Paddys River
Way: Reef Creek (476456875) flows north - source in the south ... same
source node as the way above!
So the above ways meet on top of a rise and drain away from each
other. I suspect that it is intermittent if not seasonal.
Way: Reef Creek (448289833) flows east .. source in the west
Way: Reef Creek (476455208) flows east .. source of this is confluence
of two ways above - Way 448289833 and Way 476456875 - Drains into Paddys
Give the flat terrain of central Australia I could believe that there is
a creek with a flow and source would simply be where it is raining...
where ever it rains the creek will flow away from the rain. I have not
come across one ... but I'm not looking.
On 26-Feb-17 10:03 AM, Dave Swarthout wrote:
Hi Nick,
My intent was to have a starting place, a source, that was tagged in
such a way that a Nominatum search would be able to find it. In the
example I used, two named streams came together and at that point a
new name is used for the resultant waterway. I'm using the accepted
standard for geographic names in Alaska, the Dictionary of Alaska
Place Names to determine the location of the source. Here is the
beginning of the description for the Colville River:
Colville River: stream, formed by Thunder and
Storm Creeks in De Long Mts. at 68'49'20''
N, 160°20'00" W; flows ENE 350 mi. to
Harrison Bay, Arctic Plain; 70°27' N, 150°07'
If a stream begins in a swamp, I would tag the first node where there
is a visible or obvious waterway or riverbank. I doubt I'll use this
tag that often and in some cases such as your example, will probably
not tag all the sources of a river having multiple sources. In my
experience, most rivers in Alaska and the United States, only have one
accepted source so your example won't affect my tagging very much.
All the best,
On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 4:30 AM, St Niklaas <
<>> wrote:
Hi Dave,
Biking around in Europe, I visited several rivers up to the source.
Some do and some dont have a source or spring. The Scheld or
L´escaut does have a nominated place with a wall around it and yes
the water is coming out of the wall.
But what about a river originating from a bog or a basin, every
little flow ads water to a pond and thats the point where the
rivers starts flowing if theres a lot of water or too much.
Like the river Rhine its called to start at lake Toma, but that is
just the middel of a pond or a basin at the end of several slopes
and its named Vordere Rhine, the other main stream is called
Hintere Rhine and it starts in the middle of a valley, fed by
several straems flowing together fed by rain and snow. But there
are at least 11 rivers named '......' Rhine contributing to the
river Rhine all in the same mountain area.
On the other hand there are several streams without a name flowing
together and suddenly the stream gets or has a local name. There
also are a lot of rivers without a name sign but with a local
name, but are they without a local survey worth to add to OSM ?
For instance does every stream in the USA gets a '...' Creek
(name) I recon many but nor all of them.
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