On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Albert Pundt <roadsgu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is the best way to map freeway (and other road) stub ends such as
> this <https://goo.gl/maps/8xKeZYF8s162>? It's currently mapped with all
> of the closed off roadway being tagged with highway=service and access=no,
> but I've also seen highway=motorway (and -_link) and access=no used as well
> on other stubs. highway=construction and construction=motorway are often
> used as well, but this is misleading as most such stubs are for cancelled
> roads that aren't under construction. Is there any consensus on what method
> to use?

I tend to favor highway=construction, construction=* and possibly
abandoned=yes if it's partially built and could be finished later, but it's
left in-situ and I know it to be abandoned.  I have seen examples of stubs
being constructed, end up as a ghost road for the next 3 or 4 decades, then
suddenly are a thing that exists.  I 5 opened in 1963 without ramps to I 84
east initially, but stubs existed.  Then out of nowhere, ODOT pulls money
out of the southbound end of a northbound cow, bulldozes a bunch of
warehouses and builds the rest of the connection, opening, IIRC, in 1999.
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