> On Feb 24, 2017, at 3:32 AM, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) 
> <robert.whittaker+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I chose post_depot as a more general term, that would be applicable to
> things that might be called a "Delivery Office", a "Sorting Office" or
> maybe even something like "Parcel Hub" or "Distribution Centre". The
> initial "post_" part mirrored existing "post_office" tag.

Landuse=commercial +
Building=commercial +

Distribution_centre may handle more than mail then - if you want a more 
flexible tag. Subtag it distribution_centre=* for types, so the wheel doesn't 
have to be reinvented for each type. 

Parcels (including mail/ delivery)
Retail Goods (coca-cola distribution center) 
Crops (?) 
Fuel (LPG tank distribution depot) 

To me, a defining point is of a distribution centre is it is private or Very 
limited B to B - an intermediary stop on its way to a final destination. Coca 
Cola is made in a bottling plant and sent to a distribution warehouse where the 
cans are loaded onto trucks to service the vending machines and convenience 
stores - the distribution center is where the trucks from the bottling plant 
and the trucks distributing goods meet. 

Here is such a distribution centre:
Coca-Cola East Japan "sales center" 

A propane/LPG distribution center. The big tank trucks deliver to here, the 
little trucks take small household tanks out to houses and restaurants. The 
intermidiary storage tank is hidden under solar panels. 

A generic tag might be best, because they use business-speak for the parcel 
facilities now. 

San Diego has had 2 big postal sort facilities. A larger one took over the job 
of the smaller one a decade ago. There are "retail" services available from a 
post office in the front of the building, but the facility's job is is to sort 
all the mail for about 2 million people. 

The older one has a longer name:
"United States Postal Service Processing and Distribution Center"

The newer one uses the name: 
"processing center" - which could also be a fish cannery or the like. 

>Margaret L. Sellers Processing Center

They are very big, with a hundred or so employees. 

Here is an article with proper names regarding the closing of the smaller one. 


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