On 22 February 2017 at 19:56, Dave F <davefoxfa...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> A place where letters & parcels are sent to be sorted so they can then be
> delivered?
> In the Britain I think they'd normally be called a sorting office. but
> there's only 21 & 2 for postal_sorting_office from tag info
> Is post_depot the same thing? (313 wordwide/212 GB)
> Either tag doesn't seem a great number. Is there a more popular one in use?

I've used amenity=post_depot quite a few times in the UK to mean
precisely that. (In particular, I needed something to re-tag Royal
Mail buildings to show that they weren't an amenity=post_office.)
I chose post_depot as a more general term, that would be applicable to
things that might be called a "Delivery Office", a "Sorting Office" or
maybe even something like "Parcel Hub" or "Distribution Centre". The
initial "post_" part mirrored existing "post_office" tag.


Robert Whittaker

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