I'm not a big fan of the wiki. I'd have to reread it every 2 weeks. I can
tell you how I map PT...

Start with stops ordered in proper sequence
  If a stop is served twice, add it twice
Then the ways, also ordered sequentially
  this allows visual check of continuity
No forward/backward roles, they are hard to maintain and clutters the
overview (that line on the right, which, ideally, is continuous)

I'm not adding stop_position nodes to the route relations either, but
that's a personal preference to keep things simple. Platform nodes for the
stops are enough to describe the sequence order of the stops.


2016-09-02 23:32 GMT+02:00 LeTopographeFou <letopographe...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> When I add a way/node which has already been added in a relation JOSM warn
> me and ask me to confirm or to cancel. So there is no issue with JOSM, or
> at least with the actual revision, to add more than once a way/node in a
> relation.
> AFAIK order of members of type "way" in a relation of type route doesn't
> matter. The wiki states only that the stops should be ordered (a 'should',
> not a 'shall'). But I think that to order the ways is a good practice and
> should be recommended also. Moreover nothing is stating that stops should
> be gathered in the relation or placed between the two ways it is linked to.
> Finally, you can put "forward" and "backward" as roles of the ways to
> specify which way the route is taking. This is even more usefull when a way
> is added twice because the bus has to reverse. Please note that there is
> also forward:stop and backward:stop (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org
> /wiki/Relation:route#Members).
> LeTopographeFou
> Le 02/09/2016 à 23:11, Svavar Kjarrval a écrit :
>> On fös 2.sep 2016 20:54, André Pirard wrote:
>>> On 2016-09-02 22:20, Svavar Kjarrval wrote:
>>>>   JOSM doesn't allow the user to add any repeats at all. Fortunately, it
>>>> doesn't remove repeats which were already there.
>>> I was showing nodes and Jo is showing ways.
>>> Repeating nodes is not allowed but repeating ways is all-right.
>> My statement applies, in my experience, also to ways. I haven't been
>> able to add duplicate ways to relations for a long time (it was possible
>> once but later disabled). It's been causing a lot of holes in the local
>> bus relations since some of them go from A to B, circle around a
>> neighbourhood until they return to B, and then go back to A. In some of
>> those cases, being able to add duplicate nodes is essential for the bus
>> route in OSM to reflect the actual one.
>> - Svavar Kjarrval
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