This is very odd, as there are definitely bus routes which serve the same
stop more than once, so adding nodes more than once should be possible as

Let me know if you need real life examples


2016-09-02 22:54 GMT+02:00 André Pirard <>:

> On 2016-09-02 22:20, Svavar Kjarrval wrote:
> On fös 2.sep 2016 14:07, André Pirard wrote:
> On 2016-09-02 15:19, Jo wrote:
> The way I understand this, no explicit tagging is needed. You could have
> aBBc
> Where c is the service way of the terminal.
> I think that, just like within a plain highway, using the same node
> (B) twice in succession makes no sense.
> I bet that JOSM won't be happy about it.
>  JOSM doesn't allow the user to add any repeats at all. Fortunately, it
> doesn't remove repeats which were already there.
> I was showing nodes and Jo is showing ways.
> Repeating nodes is not allowed but repeating ways is all-right.
> Cheers
> André.
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