On 4 August 2016 11:55:05 GMT+01:00, Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org> wrote:
>Warin wrote on 2016/08/04 08:14:
>> On 8/4/2016 3:42 PM, Daniel Koć wrote:
>>> but it appears we don't know how should we treat leisure=track: is
>it a linear object or maybe kind of area?
>> I have seen it both ways.
>Yes exactly. The source of the uncertainty was that is used to be
>filled in the former
>mapnik and current carto style, along with other leisure features.

Incidentally, I tagged one yesterday with area=yes and josm warned that 
"area=yes is superfluous for leisure=*". I left the area tag there because in 
my mind it isn't clearly established yet.
Vincent Dp

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