My initial reaction, and one that you've mentioned, is to add indoor=yes.
But then, you need to make some specific rules on which objects tagged
indoor=yes get hidden in rendering (like artworks?) and those that still
probably deserve to be rendered (like cinemas inside shopping malls?).

On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 6:42 AM, Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl> wrote:

> We are on the way to render artworks on osm-carto (default map layer on
> main website), but during testing phase I've found that in Louvre they are
> tagged not only on the exterior, but also some of them are inside the
> building (as part of the permanent exposition, I guess).
> This made me think if - and how - should we tag such features? Current
> definition is laconic and does not help in this case ("A tag for public
> pieces of art"). Should we just add "indoor=yes" (currently 67k+ uses),
> find new tagging scheme or just introduce a policy which doesn't let
> tagging them?
> It is important for a rendering strategy - we're not able to recognize
> which are visible outside and which are not and it creates a visual mess:
> --
> "Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]
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