Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> writes:

>> Yes.  That's all I meant.   It could be that the trail everybody thinks
>> is main is not official.   And non-main trails may be official and may
>> be not-official.  So I would like to see one tag for official/not and
>> one for main/not, so we can record each aspect or reality separately and
>> not get into trouble when there is some way of doing things that we
>> haven't encountered before.
> As a mapper .. how do I tell?
> What is the difference between 'main' or 'minor' .. if it iw
> width/surface/roughness then use those tags. If it is traffic .. OSM
> does not have a tag for that.. and that would be so variable that it
> would be problematic to tag.

Often it's about what is posted on the map at the trailhead.

> Official/not I cannot judge from the track. Anything that is 'there'
> could be said to be condoned untill there is a sign to say it is
> not. Then I can tag access=no or whatever the sign indicates.

Actually something being there does not indicate yes or no, just that
you weren't told not to use it.  access=yes is about a legal right,
which requires looking up things that are not obvious on the ground.
But as always if you don't know if access is yes or no then just don't
put an access tag.  When you see an information board with an official
trail map and rules that say you cannot go off the official trails then
you can tag the ones on the map access=yes and the rest access=no.  So I
think when there is evidence, this is straightforward, and when there is
not evidence, you just don't add the tags.

>> It seems fine to put the sign in the db, or a tag like
>> access_no=regulation
>> access_no=posted
>> to record the reason for the access=no.
> errr
> source:access=regulation
> source:access=local sign
> would be consistent with present OSM tags.

That's far better than what I suggested, thanks.

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