Hi Warin

Le 17 avr. 2016 12:55 AM, "Warin" <61sundow...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> layer=o, tower
> layer=1, mast.

This may be right but is this usable in osm ?
Same patterns are often seen when we try to map same-context objects on
same nodes (antennas, buildings...)

> Some 'masts' have attached external hand/foot holds to aid climbing for
service personnel,
> so I would think that the 'mast' definition detail should  exclude access
on the inside of the structure to help distinguish it from a 'tower'.

Agree with you, this should include not only the access but the ability to
stand inside too. Humans can't securely stand in a mast anyway.
The outside access is a consequence of that.

All the best

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