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> Il giorno 16 apr 2016, alle ore 10:11, Dave Swarthout 
> <> ha scritto:
> But the second is more difficult. It exhibits the main characteristics of a 
> mast but it has some sort of accommodation near the top, which might persuade 
> me to tag it as a tower. Very tricky to tag. 

to me that is clearly a tower, btw. the first of its kind, from 1956, and 
copied multiple times (e.g. by the Berlin tv tower). I d call the concrete part 
a shaft rather than a mast, but even mast might not be completely wrong, just 
that with the cafe on top it clearly becomes a tower.

> Then,as if to add insult to injury, Marc and you add an example where what 
> might be tagged as either mast or tower clearly has another mast on top of it.

yes, that's quite typical, having a mast on top of a tower (or tower building), 
also because it's a cheap method to get your tower a bigger height in ranking 
lists ;-)

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