From the IHO Hydrographic dictionary:

breakwater. A structure protecting a shore area, HARBOUR, ANCHORAGE, or BASIN from WAVES. See also FLOATING BREAKWATER.

jetty. In U.S. terminology, a structure, such as a WHARF or PIER, so located as to influence CURRENT or protect the ENTRANCE to a HARBOUR or RIVER. In British terminology, a PIER, usually of solid construction, intended as a berthing place for vessels. See DOCK, LANDING, WHARF.

mole. A massive structure of masonry or large stones serving as a PIER or BREAKWATER, or both.

pier. A long, narrow structure extending into the water to afford a berthing place for vessels, to serve as a promenade, etc. See also JETTY.

quay. A WHARF approximately parallel to the SHORELINE and accommodating ships on one side only, the other side being attached to the SHORE. It is usually of solid construction, as contrasted with the open pile construction usually used for PIERS

wharf. A structure serving as a berthing place for vessels.

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