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On 2016년 02월 15일 12:26, Craig Wallace wrote:
> On 2016-02-15 09:52, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> 2016-02-15 10:36 GMT+01:00 Steve Doerr <doerr.step...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:doerr.step...@gmail.com>>:
>> So, in my opinion, are the Van Gogh Museum and Rijksmuseum: were
>> it not for the element 'museum' in their names, we would think of
>> these as art galleries, not museums.
>> I'm not sure for the Van Gogh Museum, but I am sure for the
>> Rijksmuseum (because I have been there), that it is correctly
>> named "museum" and not "gallery", because they do expose a lot of
>> furniture, and the word "gallery" is reserved for paintings (and
>> maybe sculptures). Maybe the Van Gogh Museum does deal with van
>> Gogh's life and not just with his work, what would explain the
>> term museum for this.
> In UK English, a 'gallery' can display all sorts of art, not just 
> paintings. So it could include sculpture or furniture etc. Assuming
> the furniture is displayed because of its artistic value, not just
> because it is old.

But in UK English you can also call them Museum as well or would that
be wrong? Would it be wrong to call a house with exhibits of art
inside a Museum?

In case you haven't followed the discussion, because it starts going
in circles now: The issue with tourism=gallery is that at the moment
it puts institutional houses with art exhibitions in the same tag then
private showrooms of art for sale (trying to not use the words
"Museum" and "Gallery" because both seem to be ambivalent at this point)

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