There's an explanatory notice in Cambridge University Botanical
Gardens, indicating that fens are fed with water from limestone /
chalk springs, which is relatively alkaline, whereas bogs, being fed
by rainwater, are relatively acidic.  The different pH means that
different ranges of plants will grow there.

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:59 AM, David Marchal <> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 15:59:24 +0000
>> From:
>> To:;
>> Subject: Re: [Tagging] wetland=bog, why only "receive their water and 
>> nutrients from rainfall"?
>> What does "fen" means to you?
>> I've a fairly good idea what I think it means, and I'd never or almost never 
>> tag it as a natural feature (though it may have a name, and the natural 
>> features within it may have names).
> In my current understanding, the main difference is that fens at least partly 
> receive water from groundwater, like springs, flow and streams, while bogs 
> are isolated from groundwater and only get water from rain.
> Hope I'm not saying you something stupid here, but, if that can help you…
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