> From: chris_horm...@gmx.de
> There are of course all kind of boundary cases but the typical bog as 
> common in many parts of northern Europe is rain fed. In German we have 
> the more specific term 'Regenmoor' which indicates this. Mires fed by 
> groundwater or water inflow from the outside are usually not bogs. 
> See:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mire
> Of course wetland=bog is currently widely used incorrectly in OSM in 
> that regard. But assessing the specifics of water chemistry and plant 
> communities is not easy so this is somewhat understandable.

Ah, that can explain the difference in my interpretation: in French, bogs and 
fens are usually designated with the same word, "tourbière", which designates 
mires; this word is usually translated in English with "bog". To designate 
fens, we say "tourbière minérotrophe", but essentialy only specialists will 
know about this difference, most people will use "tourbière" for both fens and 
bogs. And now, I see my error: fens are modelled with a different "wetland=*" 
tagging, but, my language using essentially the same word for both, I stopped 
at the first occurence on the wiki page designating a mire, "wetland=bog", 
without understanding that the next one, "wetland=fen", designated exactly what 
I was looking for. The problem is the French translation of this page on the 
wiki, I'll correct it.

Thanks for your answer.                                           
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