On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 6:59 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28/01/2016 4:52 PM, Marc Gemis wrote:
>> Other keys that might need multiple values:
>> * barrier / fence_type : barbed wire with an electrified wire on top.
>> A wall with barbed wire on top ,...  We need some kind of vertical
>> order here.
> Use the layer key?
> barrier=fence
> fence=barbed_wire
> layer=0  ... not required
> barrier=fence
> fence=wire_electric
> voltage=300
> layer=1
> Would need two ways ... messy. Not good.

yeah, I thought about that one as well. It depends on how detailed you
are mapping in 3D. For the moment, the tools are not adequate enough
to deal with this.
In some cases the multi-valued keys are needed because we do not map
enough detail.

The information board is the same. If we would map the different
sections on the board, we would have a board and a map section. No
need for multi valued keys.

A traffic calming that is a choker and a table. When we draw the width
of the road and the height of the table, no need for multi valued keys

If we would draw separate ways for lanes instead of 1 for the complete
street, Some multi-valued issues would disappear here as well.

House numbers or flat numbers are sometimes mapped with semi-colons
are well. When the building would be divided in smaller units, flat
numbers could go on the flats instead of having multiple on the

So some multi-valued issues are caused by the level of detail that we
map nowadays. This is not true for all tags, e.g.  refs, cuisine, ...
need to be multi-valued.


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