On 26/01/2016 8:59 PM, Gerd Petermann wrote:

As a German I am not sure if I understand what shoulder means.
In Germany we have a traffic_sign "Seitenstreifen nicht befahrbar"
and one with a pictogram:

Dou you think that shoulder means what we call "Seitenstreifen" ?
auto translation of 'Seitenstreifen' = 'hard shoulder'

So .. yes .. but 'shoulder' would also include 'soft' as well as 'hard'. So, for example, grass can be included. There would be no sharp 'gutter' between the road and shoulder .. a spoon drain (a shallow trench with smooth side) would be allowed - the movement of a vehicle from the road to the shoulder should be easy and safe.


Von: Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016 10:23
An: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Betreff: [Tagging] Formalising shoulder tagging

Hi all,

At present there is no documented standard for tagging highway shoulders.

We have http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Shoulder with
shoulder=yes|no, which has been in 'draft (under way)' since 2010. In
Australia, cycleway=shoulder appears also to be used.

Taginfo stats are:
         shoulder = *                    7120, of which:
                 shoulder = no           3230
                 shoulder = yes          2743
                 shoulder = right        964
         shoulder:width = *              1794
         shoulder:right = *              1047
         width:shoulder = *              843
         cycleway = shoulder     502

There are several gazillion miles (approximate value) of roads with
shoulders around the world. We should have a way to tag them.

I'd therefore suggest simply formalising the most popular existing usage
and the one on the wiki page - that is, shoulder=yes|no. As a default,
I'd suggest shoulder=yes is presumed as the most common real-world
situation, i.e.:

         "A paved shoulder, wide enough to be used as an emergency
          refuge for cars, and for through passage by bicycles."

(Narrow shoulders can of course be tagged with shoulder:width, gravel
ones by shoulder:surface, and so on.)

There are of course many refinements one could imagine, for peak-hour
shoulder running, buses, etc. But since "the perfect is the enemy of the
good" etc., I'd like to get the basic shoulder=yes|no agreed first.

Speak now or forever hold your peace!


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