Looking at the photo in the original post, it looks like the categories
are a bit more specific than "hgv" - possibly articulated/semitrailers
vs. drawbar trailers, possibly based on the number of axles. What is the
proper/legal defintion of the vehicle categories that the symbols

Don't know if such a thing exists in the US but in Europe we sometimes
see a limit on the weight-per-axle. Close-coupled axles (with minimal
distance between the wheels/axles) are counted as a single axle.


On 2015-12-31 14:30, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

> sent from a phone
>> Am 30.12.2015 um 19:26 schrieb Jack Burke <burke...@gmail.com>:
>> What's the right way to specify maxweight when the weight limit sign has 
>> different values for different vehicles?  Just use the highest value shown?
> you should specify the maxweight for all vehicles distinctly, e.g. 
> maxweight:hgv=
> maxweight:bus=
> http://taginfo.osm.org/keys/maxweight%3Ahgv
> cheers,
> Martin 
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