Split values are somewhat frequent in the US.  Oklahoma and Oregon
definitely has different weight limits posted for bridges for straight
vans, single trailers, doubles (or some road train combinations like
triples, turnpike doubles, Rocky Mountain doubles...).

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 12:58 PM, Marcos Oliveira <
marcosoliveira.2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Interesting case, the bridge can seemingly resist 25 short tons, yet for
> smaller vehicules it takes less.
> Do you know if this is a legal limit or if being smaller makes the weight
> less spread out which can structurally damage the bridge?
> If the first then I'd map the highest value, if the latter then the
> smallest one.
> 2015-12-30 18:26 GMT+00:00 Jack Burke <burke...@gmail.com>:
>> What's the right way to specify maxweight when the weight limit sign has
>> different values for different vehicles?  Just use the highest value shown?
>> For example, see this bridge:
>> http://www.mapillary.com/map/im/xCvKHzGbfqBG0sZDCVUV8A/photo
>> --jack "weighing all my options"
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> --
> Um Abraço,
> Marcos Oliveira
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