
> On Nov 30, 2015, at 6:05 AM, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:
> as an extra tag on POis that already has a level tag. I would rather be 
> looking for something that fits in with SIT 
> (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_Indoor_Tagging) better. Since SIT 
> works really well (see OpenLevelUp),


We're talking about two different things doing two different goals. 


I was thinking about this a bit more. 

Perhaps we are trying to do two different jobs. 

It looks like the SIT stuff is for rendering and actually displaying, in a 3D 
spatial way, a shop or location. 

That is not what I am trying to do. 

Just like it's zip code or phone number is not (sub-building) spatial 
information, but it is important information about the POI.  

OpenStreetMap is many things to many people - and much of my mapping is for 
replicating location level maps - a map of a park, a resort, or a tourist 
attraction. A person going to a park or a mall or a big building has searched 
and found a location (shop, viewpoint, attraction) and is shown that it is in a 
building that is difficult to navigate. I have searched for coffee shops, 
clothing stores, and restaurants in Tokyo, and the location is so complicated 
that the normally helpful POI in is not very helpful with them. I need more 
information - so I imagine most everyone else does too. Onsite navigation of 
very complicated complexes - like Tokyo Dome City or KitaSenju station or Tokyo 
Sky Tree - are dependent on on-site physical signs, information maps with ref 
#s on locations, and elevators with floor information for traveling around 
inside the POI. Also, printed location guides are common in Japan (at every 
door of every large mall), which are not common to see in the US. All of these 
signs and maps and guides use references *not* in the address - only refs and 
names on location level signage. 

I want to map this (sometimes crucial) information. 

In a vast majority of mundane POI search instances - visiting a lawyer's office 
in a big building - knowing it is on level 12 unit 1207 is just fine. 

But in complicated places where floors have names/refs that are more important 
than a level number, or when a "building" is a collection of various platforms 
and levels, not presented as a single building with levels, then providing that 
ref information with a POI pin info display would help the person navigate the 
last 200m through the structure to the actual location. 

This works with POI reference pins on the local information map. If I go to a 
mall, and I am told it is #42 on the mall's map and guidebook, it makes finding 
my way through the mall straightforward. Telling me it is unit 412 (it's 
mailing address) is useless, possibly counterproductive - if there is unit 
information in the official address at all. 
In some places, this offical address information is enough - Malls in 
California routinely show the unit number on the front window as the unit 
number is also in the mailing address - but that is not the case everywhere on 
earth. It seems Very Different here in Japan - I rarely see unit numbers for 
shops in malls in their address, hence the reliance on guides and maps and 
other physical onsite spatial aides. Which change very rarely (due to the huge 
cost of changing all the signage) 

How many years will it be until this SIT stuff will be able to guide me on the 
myriad of overlapping platforms, levels, and shops in KitaSenju station? 
Through the maze of walkways and tunnels in Horton Plaza in San Diego? The 
nightmare of overlapping pedestrian levels, footbridges, train stations, subway 
entrances, amusement parks, and malls that make up Tokyo Dome City? I bet it 
will be a really, really, really long time from now that it can correctly show 
me all the escalators and footbridges and multiple levels I have to traverse to 
get from place to place, let alone render the buildings in a way that shows me 
the proper connections for each transportation method and let me infer the path 
from the displayed information - which is how I use maps. I am not trying to 
get involved with this 3D placement. That is totally outside my interest, and I 
think the level:ref proposal is as well. 

Appending level:ref & unit:ref to needed 
POIs will help people searching for locations in crazy places right now. All we 
have to do is show it with the displayed POI information when searched. 

Anyways - the building rendering will still have to show floor numbers and refs 
eventually - so when your building rendering shows the floor name (observation 
deck) and my POI search told me the cafe is on the observation deck - then that 
sounds like a really good thing - but both are different sets of information. 


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