On 10/11/2015 02:41, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
amenity=bicycle_repair_station has a problem: it's attracting lots of
active tagging
of shops offering bicycle repair. For example:
and http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/337421757
That was not the intent. amenity=bicycle_repair_station was meant for
tool stands, often outdoors, often 24/7, generally public.
I'm seeking support for a mechanical edit to a new tag name.
There are known automated clients of this tag, and I am in contact
with both.
An alternative suggestion - lobby the authors of iD to include the word
"repair" in the "bicycle shop" description, or otherwise influence the
search results. If you search for "bicycle", bicycle shop is ahead of
bicycle repair station. If you search for "repair", you get "Car repair
shop", "bicycle repair station", "bookbinder".
A mechanical edit would just confuse all the humans (me included) who
have just learnt what a "bicycle repair station" is.
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