Google translate shows this for the name:

Moscow - Maloyaroslavets - Roslavl to the border with the Republic of
Belarus (Bobruisk, Slutsk) "- Spas-Demensk - Elnya - Pochinok" - Byvalki -

Looks like the destination is included in the name. Surely nobody uses that
long tongue-twister in everyday conversation.

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 6:37 PM, Warin <> wrote:

> On 27/09/2015 8:21 PM, Peter wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> we've detecting more and more long names for highways, like I once
>> reported here:
>> One example:
>> As discussed there the names are from official source, but should we
>> really include this in the name tag?
> Why not put it as the alternate name? This way the 'official name' is
> recorded for all to see.
> The name= I'd use would be what the locals call it .. or what is on a sign
> post. It won't be long (I'd think).
>> I've posted this to the OSM forum already and there seem to be a bit
>> controversial answers :)
>> But I agree with 'SomeoneElse' that description should not go into the
>> name.
>> What is common sense here?
> Descriptions do not go into the name tag.
> But if the 'official name' is that then it goes in.
> If it has no name then there are tags for that too! key:noname=yes
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