On 2014-12-29 15:27, Kotya Karapetyan wrote :
Happy holidays and 2015 everyone!

what is needed here is some tag, saying "don't touch these
> coordinates, they've been surveyed with high(est) accuracy".

I second this idea.

However it seems to be France-specific. I don't know if a similar thing exists e.g. for Germany.

Since such reference points are quite common, I would support the idea of creating a special tag for them, requiring that they are not moved. However we need a clear consensus on how we define the "sufficient" accuracy and how the data for such points will be updated.

These are very good ideas but restricted to a very particular case.
There are various reasons for warning other mappers to be careful about their updates.
I once temporarily overlaid two walking routes to show the effect of displaying two sorts of icons.
Or I left in for a while drawing errors of a plugin as the best way to show the author what I talk about.
Despite a don't touch note explaining why, a good soul passes, not reading note and makes a "correction".
What is needed here is an "are you sure" tag named [keyname:]warning=* or [keyname:caution]=* that the editor uses any time a mapper wants to change that key's value (not uploads a dozen updates)  to display the message and ask for a confirmation.
Or should it be [keyname:]note:warn=* and spare another wiki page?
keyname can be "geometry" as in source:geometry.
Et voilà.  An all-purpose simple guardrail, a small update to the wiki and passing the word to the editors.

What do you think?



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