I am need of a tag for this for many waterways near the sea here, as there
waterflow is controlled by gates or is tidal or is both. I like

However it's a tricky business. Take the river Thames, which can be tidal
up to London, depending on tides (and wind). But I would be reluctant to
tag the river's water flow from London downwards as flow_direction=both

Also, one needs more values:
default value: forward

I also would like to tag one-way sluice gates ("porte vinciane") that work
as back-flow-protection valves in waterways, typically to prevent the
influx of saline water at high tide. I have used sluice_gate and lock_gate
for this, but am unhappy about both.

On 7 September 2015 at 18:16, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> 2015-09-07 17:57 GMT+02:00 moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com>:
>> I don't know of an existing tag. I've searched for 'flow' and
>> 'up/downstream' in taginfo, but the only thing I found came from
>> imports and had very bad values from an OSM POV. Unless somebody has a
>> better Idea, I suggest creating a tag.
>> waterway:flow=forwards/backwards come to my mind, but that's an
>> endlessly bikeshedable topic.
> there are some very few occurences of previously mentioned
> "flow_direction" http://taginfo.osm.org/keys/flow_direction#overview
> we could also use incline=up/down (is in use, but rarely in conjunction
> with waterways)
> More often I found the undocumented "oneway:flow"
> http://taginfo.osm.org/keys/oneway%3Aflow
> (there is a oneway restriction in flow direction?) values are yes/no.
> There are also 634 times "FlowDir" (atypical key name, likely from an
> import)
> Personally from the values in use that I found I'd go with
> "flow_direction" (values in use are "forward" and "both"), because its not
> an abbreviation and quite verbose in what it is describing. "oneway:flow"
> doesn't make much sense to me.
> cheers,
> Martin
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