It seems that oneway:flow=yes|no is extensively used in Florida and
oneway:flow=yes appears on most of the length of the Missisippi.
I suppose it's used in the same sense as you want to use your proposed tag

On 7 September 2015 at 17:29, David Marchal <> wrote:

> Hello, there.
> I'm drafting a proposal concerning some waterways whose flow regularly
> changes direction, which happens near some sinkholes named estavelles,
> which drain or feed water according to the aquifer level. I would
> consequently propose a way to map it, but it should be consistent with
> current tags, so I wondered: should I propose using
>    1. oneway=reversible, as it already exists and can be used on other
>    ways than roads, according to the wiki, but would in this case be used to
>    indicate that something is _not_ oneway, or
>    2. another tag, such as twoway=yes, which could be clearer in this
>    context of a way you would expect to be oneway, but at the risk of
>    duplicating the use of oneway=no?
> Hoping you can help,
> Regards.
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